Assessment Results
Bishop O'Gorman Catholic Schools students are taught by qualified and dedicated instructors who set high standards and expectations for their students. Each year, our students consistently score higher on standardized tests than the public school students in Sioux Falls and students from all over the state of South Dakota. Nationally, our scores are consistently among the best middle schools and junior high schools in the country. We are very proud of the high marks that our students consistently earn.
O'Gorman Junior High students take the PreACT 8/9 in the spring of each year.
Credit Before Grade 9
The Credit Before Grade Nine program provides opportunities for junior high students to obtain high school credits through accelerated and enriched courses.
Who Can Apply?
Credit Before Grade Nine courses are more rigorous than other junior high school offerings. These courses require the same demands they will face at the high school level.
- Students broaden their intellectual horizons by delving deeper into the subject matter.
- Students have the opportunity to earn high school credit earlier, thus allowing them to take more Advanced Placement (AP) classes at the high school level.
- Students and parents see a significant savings in college tuition when taking AP classes at the high school.
Current Credit Before Grade Nine Courses
Advanced Geometry: 1 High School Credit
Algebra I: 1 High School Credit
Computer Applications: .5 High School Credit
Geometry: 1 High School Credit
German I: 1 High School Credit
Spanish I: 1 High School Credit
Latin I: High School Credit
**Wellness for Life: .5 High School Credit
**World Geography: .5 High School Credit
** Available to take during summer school prior to the ninth grade year.