
O’Gorman Junior High School cares about every student.

OGJH Counselor 

Mrs. Sara Jarding
(605) 988-0546

“To whom much is given, much is expected.”

Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools provides a comprehensive counseling program to students and employs licensed school counselors at all school sites.  School counselors work with all students to address emotional, behavioral and academic concerns as well as to provide counseling for developmental concerns such as friendships, conflicts, following directions, anger management, respectful communication, study and organization skills.  

 As part of the comprehensive counseling program the school counselor works with all students in the school.  Counselors play a significant role in identifying and referring students for mental health and academic evaluations in partnership with parents and teachers.  If the counselor determines your child would benefit from regular meetings, parent permission will be obtained.

Counseling programs at each school include a wide array of both preventive and social skills education.  Our counselor is available to meet with the full class, small groups of students, or individually to address specific topics, offering a custom program based on needs.  Visits with the counselor are not considered disciplinary action.

What does your future hold? What decisions are you making today that could influence the rest of your life? Having people to bounce ideas off can be very helpful. That person can be your parents, relatives, friends, religious leaders, teachers, and trusted adults including counselors. Dream, discuss, make goals and plans, and implement your ideas.

What are your special gifts, talents and abilities? Students at OGJH have the opportunity to engage in counseling presentations examining their habits, abilities, talents, and likes/dislikes in order to enhance their learning and planning for the future. All exercises are saved in a folder which the students will have for future discussions. Additionally, further education to both students and parents is provided in regards to future class placement and standardized testing procedures and results.